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    • 'The Victoria Falls, of the Leeambye or Zambesi River Called by the Natives Mosioatunya (Smoke Sounding)' (Livingstone 1857:op. frontispiece). Copyright National Library of Scotland. CC BY-NC-SA 2.5 SCOTLAND
    • 'The Tsetse' (Livingstone 1857:frontispiece). Copyright Royal Geographical Society (with IBG). Used by permission for academic purposes only.
    • Lithograph of David Livingstone's steamboat, the Ma Robert, on the Zambezi River. Copyright Wellcome Library, London. CC BY 4.0
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    • Henry Morton Stanley meeting David Livingstone at Ujiji, in Africa. Coloured wood engraving by H. Hall after H. M. Stanley, c.1880. Copyright Wellcome Library, London. CC BY 4.0
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